New York Notices and Posters
Please see required NY State Notices via links below.
New York Notices and Posters
The following posters are mandatory for New York employers so that employees have access to and information about applicable labor laws. These posters can be downloaded from the links below.
General State Posting Requirements
The following posters are required for all New York employers:
Criminal conviction records notice: employers must post a copy of Article 23-A of the correction law. This article relates to the employment of individuals with a criminal record.
Discrimination is prohibited
Equal pay provision
Minimum wage poster
No smoking/vaping posters: employers must prominently post "No Smoking" signs, "No Vaping" signs or a sign with the international "no smoking" symbol in all indoor work spaces.
Notice of fringe benefits and hours: employers must notify their employees of sick leave, vacation, personal leave, holiday and hours of work policies. The notice can be provided in writing or by publicly posting them. Click here for more information.
Nursing mothers notice: employers must provide this notice to employees who are returning to work following the birth of a child and to all employees through a handbook or by posting it in a central location.
Paid family leave poster: employers must obtain this posting from their insurance carrier.
Self-insured employers can obtain this form by contacting the Workers’ Compensation Board.
Sexual harassment prevention policy: employers must provide, in writing, a copy of this policy. The policy must include annual sexual harassment prevention training.
Time off to vote poster
Unemployment insurance (UI) poster
This poster is obtained by registering with the UI Division and calling 888-899-8810.
Employers subject to Specific Laws
Employers must display the following posters only if they are affected by the laws, conditions or requirements specified below:
Workers’ compensation notice: required for employers subject to New York’s workers’ compensation laws.
Employers must obtain this poster from their insurance carrier.
Disability benefits poster: required for employers subject to New York’s workers’ compensation laws.
Employers must obtain this poster from their insurance carrier.
Apparel industry minimum wage poster
Breastfeeding Mothers’ Bill of Rights: must be conspicuously posted in a public place in each maternal health care facility and each child day care facility.
Commissary Price List (for commissary operators)
Domestic worker minimum wage
Farm minimum wage poster: farm employers are required to post it where employees can see it. Print on legal size, 8.5 inch x 14 inch, paper. Click here and scroll down to "Postings/Fact Sheets."
Hospitality industry minimum wage poster. Click here for additional information and resources.
Nail salons - Workers' Bill of Rights
Nurse Coverage Plan poster: relates to mandatory nurse overtime work. Must be posted in a location accessible to all nursing staff.
Construction Industry and Public Works
The following posters are required for construction employers and for contractors engaged in public work projects:
Construction Industry Fair Play Act poster
Prevailing wage rate schedule: the current schedule must be posted on the site of the public work project where workers can see and access it, Encased in, or made of, weatherproof materials, and titled "PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES" in letters that are at least 2 x 2 inches.
Public work project poster
Food And Beverage Industry
Employers in the food and beverage industry must display the following posters:
Deduction from wages poster
Tip appropriation poster
Public Employers
Public employers are required to display the following poster:
“You have a right to know”